For all versions you'll need a
JDK/JRE (>=1.2)
and for the regular version you'll need the
Download (Regular version - 0.5pre1)
These corresponding tar.gz and zip files are identical except for
the scripts/batch files for installing and running JImageView
(install/install.bat and jimageview/JImageView.bat).
Make sure "java" is in your path.
To install, just uncompress the file and run the provided install
script, unless you downloaded the source only version, in which case
you need a to run "make" (requires a java compiler). To decompress
the tar.gz file, use "tar xvzf JImageView-0.5pre1.tar.gz".
Executable jar file version
Just double-click on it
to run (Windows) or use "java -jar JImageView.jar".
This version works without the Java Advanced Imaging API.
It only supports GIP, JPEG, and PNG images, doesn't have
support for thumbnail caching, and zooming/scaling quality and
performance are not quite as good as with the regular version.
Webstart Version
This version works without the Java Advanced Imaging API.
It only supports GIP, JPEG, and PNG images, doesn't have
support for preferences or thumbnail caching, and zooming/scaling quality and
performance are not quite as good as with the regular version.
It requires Webstart,
which is available from Sun.
If you're not sure you want to download and install JImageView,
the Webstart version is a good way to try it out.
Launch JImageView (Webstart version)
Source for Webstart version